Puppy News!
How it all began
Sharon and Mnt Myst
Sharon O'Garro & Mountain Myst Northern Inuits
We live in Monument, Colorado surrounded by the beautiful evergreen and Bur oak brush mountains and foothills that are often mist laden, appearing mysterious and wild, perfect as it reflects the mystic look that our pack of Northern Inuits possesses, the first “Mountain Myst Northern Inuits” in the USA.
I (Sharon) am originally from the UK, a behavioral Health RN Case manager and married to a tall dark and handsome retired Air Force New Yorker. We fell in love with the Northern Inuit (NI) breed while stationed in the UK working for the US Air force. We have a blended family of 3 boys and 2 girls all now grown up and have left the nest. Both my husband and I started to get the empty nest syndrome (we did not want them all to come back home though, so we decided to get us a couple of fur babies. My husband liked the German Shepherd breed and I like the Malamute breed.
How the Northern Inuit craze began….
I saw a young woman walking her NI close to my home in Mildenhall, Suffolk England. The NI was a pup, about 17 weeks old, named 'Rafe' and he was so stunning and his appearance so wolf-like that I accosted her right off the street and convinced her to show my husband her dog. Rafe was so friendly and loveable, he plopped himself upside down on the floor in front of my husband to be petted. After she had explained about the breed (and after I told her off for going with a stranger to a stranger's house to meet a strange man :D ) she told me to research the breed first and so we did. The NI was a perfect fit for us.
After much research about the breed and knowing that we had a large house with plenty of acres for them to romp and play back in Colorado, both my husband and I decided that this breed was for us.
After a few months of watching out for a reputable breeder that had a litter, we found our beautiful fur babies, our pack, a male Nero from Otsoa NIs in Nottingham and a female, Nala, from Highground NI in Wales. Bless them! They both got car sick initially when we drove many hours back to our house after fetching them both which took a total of two days.
Currently there are only a handful of NIs in the USA so after much debate we have decided that we want to introduce the breed to the US. There are many Wolf hybrids here that mostly end up in shelters and/or wolf sanctuaries because they possessed more wolf-like qualities and were unpredictable or the owners did not understand their pet. I truly believe that the Northern Inuit breed offers an alternative for those that love and want the Wolf look, but without the unpredictability of the wolf/wolf hybrid. The NI has a very friendly and loveable nature and is specifically known for this.
Of course the NI is not a breed for everyone but trying to walk around town with Nala and Nero without being constantly stopped to answer questions about them has been unbelievable and our neighbors, friends and strangers have asked us if we decide to breed them can they get one of our pups; we decided it was time to introduce this breed sparingly to Colorado so we can have pack walks etc. and to share the love of this breed...they are addictive so consider yourself warned.
And now we have a pack
Nero and Nala were still only young when this was first written, both are now adults and have given birth to the first American-born litter. We have also added new members to the pack from three separate lines and have had various healthy and beautiful litters. So if you are interested in one of our pack’s puppies check out the Adoption process page and the Puppy News page for more information. We will announce when our females become pregnant on that page.